Updated PowerShell to determine if a user is visiting the office

I made an error. More like an incorrect assumption in this post, specifically this code.:

Function JBMURPHY-AD-GetHomeSite {
Param($username=$(cat env:username))
foreach ($group in "OfficeGroup1","OfficeGroup2","OfficeGroup3") {
    foreach ($user in $(Get-ADGroupMember $group)){
    if ($user.SamAccountName -eq $username) {return $group}

My incorrect assumption was that the AD PowerShell components were installed on every machine (they are only my machine). I needed to rewire this code above to use ADSI, since Get-ADGroupMember is not on everyone’s machine. Below is that code:

Function JBMURPHY-AD-GetHomeSite {
$groups=([AdsiSearcher]"samaccountname=$username").Findone().properties.memberof | % {([adsi]"LDAP://$_").cn}
foreach ($officegroup in "OfficeGroup2","OfficeGroup2","OfficeGroup3") {
    foreach ($group in $groups){
    if ($group -eq $officegroup) {return $group}

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