My “Copy WordPress site to local” script

I wanted to write a script that would copy a WordPress site to the local machine from a remote server (securely over ssh). This would allow me to set up a test environment or backup. First I need to make sure the site exists on the source server. Then I want to get the current wp-config settings, like the database name:

echo "Checking $SRCSERVER for a site named $SRCSITENAME"
CHECKCMD="ls /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | grep wp-config.php > /dev/null; echo \$?"
if [ $CHECKFILE -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Source Site $SRCSITENAME on $SRCSERVER exists"
        SRCMYSQLSITEUSER=$(ssh $SRCSERVER grep "DB_USER" /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 2 -d "'")
        SRCMYSQLSITEPASS=$(ssh $SRCSERVER grep "DB_PASSWORD" /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 2 -d "'")
        SRCMYSQLSITEDB=$(ssh $SRCSERVER grep "DB_NAME" /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 2 -d "'")
        echo "Source mySQL Site Database:"$SRCMYSQLSITEDB
        echo "Source mySQL Site Username:"$SRCMYSQLSITEUSER
        echo "Source mySQL Site Password:"$SRCMYSQLSITEPASS
        echo "Source Site $SRCSITENAME on $SRCSERVER does not exist"

Next I provision a new site with a new virtual host, and I copy over the files:


Next I provision a new blank MySQL database with the name, username, and password received in the first part for code, then I copy over the db data via ssh:

echo "Copying mysql data from $SRCSERVER to local database name $DESTSITENAME"
ssh $SRCSERVER "mysqldump -u root $SRCMYSQLSITEDB" | mysql -u root $DESTSITENAME

Finally I run a couple of SQL queries to change the URL that WordPress has inside the DB.

echo "What is going to be the WordPress URL"

OLDSITENAME=$(mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DESTSITENAME;select guid from wp_posts LIMIT 1;" | cut -d"/" -f3)
echo "Changing the wp_posts guids from $OLDSITENAME to $NewURL

mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DESTSITENAME;UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE (guid, '"http://$OLDSITENAME"','"http://$NEWURL"');"

echo "Changing the home and siterurl to $NewURL"

mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DESTSITENAME;UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '"http://$OLDSITENAME"', '"http://$NEWURL"') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';"


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