rpm -Uvh http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/yum/stable/rhel5/pptp-release-current.noarch.rpm yum --enablerepo=pptp-stable install pptpconfig
Author Archive | jbmurphy
Installing Flash on CentOS 5.4 x64
Here is what I tried:
wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
tar -xzf libflashplayer-
mv libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/
Visual Studio with VMware Fusion and SSH
I work on a Mac, but by day I am a windows guy. Even though I am not a developer, I often hack about using Visual Studio on the PC. Recently, have been working more and more with Linux, and I wanted to use Visual Studio on my Mac via VMware Fusion to edit some .css files on a linux slice that I have setup. I was looking for extension to Visual Studio to connect to a ssh/sftp site. Then it hit me (things would be a lot easier if I was smarter) – VMware Fusion installed the FUSE file system (optional) on my Mac. I can use the program MacFusion on my Mac to “mount” a ssh FUSE file system, and then add a VMware Fusion “Shared folder” to point to the mounted folder.
Now I can use Visual Studio to edit files on a Linux box!
Detach PSTs
We are looking to get rid of .pst files in our environment and we wanted to remove pst files from peoples machines. This link shows how to prevent adding new psts and how to turn off auto archiving via GPO, but what about existing .psts in peoples Outlook profiles?
I put together this vbscript:
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) Set objOutlook = CreateObject( "Outlook.Application" ) Set objNamespace =objOutlook.GetNameSpace( "MAPI" ) For i = objOutlook.Session.Folders.Count To 1 Step -1 strName = objOutlook.Session.Folders.Item(i).Name if instr(strName,"Mailbox -") > 0 or strName = "Public Folders" or strName = "SharePoint Lists" or strName = "Microsoft Dynamics CRM" then 'wscript.echo "not removing:" & objOutlook.Session.Folders.Item(i).Name Else 'wscript.echo "removing:" & objOutlook.Session.Folders.Item(i).Name objOutlook.Session.RemoveStore(objOutlook.Session.Folders.Item(i)) End If next
Uninstall old Java Version via vbscript
Here is my current script from removing previous versions of java via VBScript
' FILENAME: UninstallAllOldJava.vbs ' AUTHOR: jbmurphy ' SYNOPSIS: This script looks for older versions of Java and removes them ' DESCRIPTION: Searches add remove programs for J2SE or Java and removes if not current version ' NOTES: - Must edit strCurrentVersion to match the version you want to keep ' - if called with a computer name will, run against remote machine ' - logs to local path defined in strLogPath ' - assumes admin priv ' LINKS: ' EXAMPLE: UninstallAllOldJava.vbs ' EXAMPLE: UninstallAllOldJava.vbs \\workststion ' INPUTS: \\workststion (optional) ' RETURNVALUE: logs to value in strLogPath ' ChangeLog: ' 2009-10-27: jbmurphy-changes made 'On Error Resume Next Option Explicit DIM objFSO, strComputer, strCurrentVersion, objWMIService, colInstalledVersions DIM objVersion, strLogPath, strLogName, strExecQuery IF WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 then strComputer = replace(WScript.Arguments(0),"\\","") ELSE strComputer = "." END If strLogPath = "%TEMP%" strLogName = "Java_Uninstall.log" strCurrentVersion = "Java(TM) 6 Update 15" strExecQuery = "Select * from Win32_Product Where Name LIKE '%Java 2 Runtime Environment%' OR Name LIKE '%J2SE Runtime Environment%' OR Name LIKE '%Java(TM)%'" KillProc Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colInstalledVersions = objWMIService.ExecQuery (strExecQuery) LogIt String(120, "_") LogIt String(120, "¯") For Each objVersion in colInstalledVersions If objVersion.Name = strCurrentVersion then LogIt Now() & ": " &replace(strComputer,".","localhost") & ": Current version is installed: " & objVersion.Name & ":" & objVersion.IdentifyingNumber else LogIt Now() & ": " &replace(strComputer,".","localhost") & ": Uninstalling: " & objVersion.Name & ":" & objVersion.IdentifyingNumber objVersion.Uninstall() end if Next LogIt String(120, "_") LogIt String(120, "¯") LogIt String(120, " ") Sub LogIt (strLineToWrite) 'wscript.echo strLineToWrite DIM ts If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strLogPath) Then MakeDir(strLogPath) Set ts = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogPath & strLogName, 8, True) ts.WriteLine strLineToWrite ts.close End Sub Function MakeDir (strPath) Dim strParentPath On Error Resume Next strParentPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strPath) If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strParentPath) Then MakeDir strParentPath If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then objFSO.CreateFolder strPath On Error Goto 0 MakeDir = objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) End Function Sub KillProc() '# kills jusched.exe and jqs.exe if they are running. These processes will cause the installer to fail. Dim wshShell Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") wshShell.Run "Taskkill /F /IM jusched.exe /T", 0, True wshShell.Run "Taskkill /F /IM jqs.exe /T", 0, True End Sub
Trying to settle on a script documentation header
I want to add a header to all my scripts, keep things organized
This seemed like a good place to start.
' FILENAME: ' AUTHOR: ' SYMMARY: A summary of what this script does ' DESCRIPTION: A more in depth description of the script ' NOTES: ' ' ' LINKS: ' EXAMPLE: document a way of calling the script, plus expected output ' EXAMPLE: example calling the script differently ' EXAMPLE: rinse and repeat as needed ' INPUTS: \\servername,yes,log (example) ' RETURNVALUE: output type ' ChangeLog: ' YYYY-MM-DD: username-changes made
What do you use? Am I missing something?