How I created a “Copy to new item” functionality for a SharePoint list – Part 1

I wanted to create a “copy to new item” functionality for a SharePoint list.

Steps I came up with:

  1. The first thing I had to do was add a link to the context menu (I learned that it is called an ECB) and have it point to the NewForm.aspx.
  2. Once I got that, I could append a querystring variable to the url that contained the “Source ID” of the item to copy and the name of the current list.
  3. Then I would grab that querystring value on the other side – in the NewForm.aspx page
  4. Next I would use that variable to query the SharePoint List via SOAP
  5. Inject the results the  into the form

Here is my script (add to a CEWP, I already have the jquery pointers to google in a Delegate control)

<script language="javascript">
function Custom_AddListMenuItems(m, ctx) {
var editURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + + ctx.listUrlDir + "/NewForm.aspx?SourceID=" + currentItemID + "&amp;ListName=" + ctx.ListTitle;
 CAMOpt(m, "Copy To New Item" ,"window.location=('" + editURL + "');" , "/_layouts/images/Copy.GIF");

More to come.


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