A script to loop through a WordPress database and search for text

We maintain both a WordPress development environment and a production environment. I have written a script that copies a WordPress site to the local machine. In that script I change the GUID (even thought this page says you shouldn’t), siteurl, and home. I change the GUID, because the site has not been publicly accessible, so I believe the warning on the documentation page does not apply.

One thing that I always wanted to do is make sure that the old (dev) site url is not elsewhere in the database. So I figured out this script below that loops thorough all the tables, and all the columns in the database searching for text, in this case the old site url.


for TABLE in $(mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DATABASENAME;show tables"); do
for COLUMN in $(mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DATABASENAME;SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = '"$TABLE"' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = '"$DATABASENAME"';"); do
query="use $DATABASENAME;select substring($COLUMN,1,100) as '"$TABLE":"$COLUMN"' from $TABLE WHERE $COLUMN like '%"$SEARCHTEXT"%';"
mysql -e "$query"


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