Using Azure Resource Graph for your inventory script

In the past I have always run Get-AzureRmResourceGroup, and then looped through all the resources groups and the VMs inside of them. This can be slow. So I put together this script to leverage Azure Resource Graph for your inventory. I hope this helps some one:

$everything=$(Search-AzureRmGraph -Query "where type != ''" -First 5000)
while ($($everything.Count) % 5000 -eq 0) { 
$everything=$everything + $(Search-AzureRmGraph -Query "where type != ''" -Skip $($everything.Count))

$VMs=$everything | Where {$_.type -contains 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'} 
$NICs=$everything | Where {$_.type -contains ''} 
$pubIPs = $everything | Where {$_.type -contains ''}
$NSGs= $everything | Where {$_.type -contains ''}
$VMSizes = @()
$locations=$VMs | Select location -Unique
foreach ($location in $($locations.location)){
$sizes=get-azurermvmsize -location $location | Select @{Name="Location";Expression={$location}},Name,NumberOfCores,MemoryInMB,MaxDataDiskCount,OSDiskSizeInMB,ResourceDiskSizeInMB

$output=$VMs `
| select *,@{N='vmSize';E={$}} `
| select *,@{N='CurrentSku';E={$s=$_.VMSize;$l=$_.location;$VMSizes | where {$_.Location -eq $l -and $_.Name -eq $s}}} `
| select *,@{N='NumberOfCores';E={$_.CurrentSku.NumberOfCores}} `
| select *,@{N='MemoryInMB';E={$_.CurrentSku.MemoryInMB}} `
| select *,@{N='MaxDataDiskCount';E={$_.CurrentSku.MaxDataDiskCount}} `
| select *,@{N='ResourceDiskSizeInMB';E={$_.CurrentSku.ResourceDiskSizeInMB}} `
| select *,@{N='NICInfo';E={$NICId=$;$NICs | Where {$  -eq $NICId }}} `
| select *,@{N='NicName';E={(($_.NICInfo).Name)}} `
| select *,@{N='NSGID';E={(($_.NICInfo).properties)}} `
| select *,@{N='NSGInfo';E={$NSGID=$_.NSGID;($NSGs | Where {$_.Id -eq $NSGID}).Properties}} `
| select *,@{N='securityRules';E={(($_.NSGInfo).securityRules).Name}} `
| select *,@{N='PrivIP';E={(((($_.NICInfo).Properties).ipConfigurations[0]).properties).privateIPAddress}} `
| select *,@{N='PubIPID';E={(((($_.NICInfo).Properties).ipConfigurations[0]).properties) }} `
| select *,@{N='PubIPInfo';E={$PUBIPID=$_.PubIPID;($pubIPs | Where {$_.Id -eq $PUBIPID}).Properties}} `
| select *,@{N='publicIPAllocationMethod';E={(($_.PubIPInfo)).publicIPAllocationMethod}} `
| select *,@{N='publicIPAddress';E={(($_.PubIPInfo).ipAddress)}}

This pulls back everything and then you can pull out what you want.


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