PowerShell script to change default prf imported when Outlook starts up for the first time

In this previous post, I talk about how we use Office Customization Tool (OCT) and “.prf” files to deploy Office 2010. Continuing with the idea that  I want to know if a person is visiting from another office, I want to be able to switch from our default of “cached mode” to “online mode” for that visitor. I wrote this script with the logic of: IF {visiting from other office}, THEN {JBMURPHY-Install-ChangeDefaultOutlookPRF -CachedMode $false}.

This script would change where the ImportPRF registry entry points (in this example to a “.prf” file with cached mode disabled)

function JBMURPHY-Install-ChangeDefaultOutlookPRF {
foreach ($PATH in (gci "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\User Settings\*{*")){
 If (Test-Path $ImportPRFRegPATH){
  write-host -NoNewline "`nIportPRF=$ImportPRFPath - "
  if ($CachedMode) {
	if ($ImportPRFPath -eq "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\WITHCA~1.PRF") { write-host "Already in CachedMode"}
	else {write-host "Enabling CachedMode"
	Set-ItemProperty $ImportPRFRegPATH -Name ImportPRF -Value "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\WITHCA~1.PRF"
	write-host "Now IportPRF=$($(get-itemproperty($ImportPRFRegPATH)).ImportPRF)"
  else {
	if ($ImportPRFPath -eq "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\WITHOU~1.PRF") { write-host "CachedMode already turned off"}
	else {write-host "Turning Off CachedMode"
	Set-ItemProperty $ImportPRFRegPATH -Name ImportPRF -Value "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\WITHOU~1.PRF"
	write-host "Now IportPRF=$($(get-itemproperty($ImportPRFRegPATH)).ImportPRF)"

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