Author Archive | jbmurphy

An update to my new PowerShell install script

I needed new functionality in my PowerShell install script (previously mentioned here). I needed the ability to make sure a process is not running, and if it is running, I could prompt the user to close it.

The new function takes the process name value from the config xml file (as I mentioned in previos post) and if it is running, displays a message box until the program is no longer running.

Function WaitForProcessToStop ($Step){
	$ProcessName= ($Step.ProcessName.Value).split(".")[0]
    if ($ProcessName -ne "") {
		While (get-process $ProcessName -ea SilentlyContinue | select -Property Responding)
			"Please close $ProcessName", 
			"Please close $ProcessName", 

My new PowerShell install script

I wanted to write a PowerShell script that can execute common activities involved in deploying software. We require signed PowerShell scripts, so it was not practical to rewrite the script for every piece of software. Instead, I moved the configuration to an XML file.

The first function below takes an object (pulled from the XML config file) that contains the uninstall information. The scenario would be that you want to uninstall a piece of software before you install something else. First I try to remove the software via WMI. If that fails, I lookup the uninstall string and use msiexe.exe to try and uninstall the software bassed on the GUID of the software.

function UninstallStep ($Step)
    $CurrentDisplayName= $Step.CurrentDisplayName.Value
    $CurrentVersion= $Step.CurrentVersion.Value
      gwmi win32_product -filter "Name like '%$CurrentDisplayName%'" | foreach {
        $InstalledVersion = $_.Version
        if ($InstalledVersion -ne  $CurrentVersion) {
            write-host "Trying to uninstall $CurrentDisplayName $InstalledVersion via WMI"
	        if ($_.uninstall().returnvalue -eq 0) { write-host "Successfully uninstalled $CurrentDisplayName $InstalledVersion via WMI" }
	        else {
                write-host "WMI uninstall retured an error, Trying to uninstall $CurrentDisplayName $InstalledVersion from registry entries"
	            if (-not(Test-Path ("Uninstall:"))){New-PSDrive -name Uninstall -psprovider registry -root HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | Out-Null}
	            Get-ChildItem -Path Uninstall: | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.GetValue("DisplayName") -like "*$CurrentDisplayName*"} | ForEach-Object -Process {
	                $CommandToRun = "msiexec"
	                $UNSTring = $_.GetValue("UninstallString").split("{")
	                $Parameters = "/X /Q {" + $UNSTring[1]
	                write-host "Running Command: " $CommandToRun $Parameters
	                Start-Process $CommandToRun $Parameters -wait -workingdirectory $WorkingDirectory | out-null

Second piece of code is a generic command to run script. This is basically just a wrapper for the Start-Process command. It can be used to run any command, but mostly I use this to start the msiexec.exe program with parameters. I can also use this command to start an setup.exe. Again, this is read from the config.xml. If there are arguments, then the second part of the conditional runs.

Function CommandToRunStep ($Step)
  if ($Step.Command.Value -ne "") {
    $Command = $Step.Command.Value
    if ($Step.Arguments.Value -ne "") {
      $Arguments = $Step.Arguments.Value
      write-host "Running Command: " "$Command" "$Arguments"
      Start-Process "$Command" -ArgumentList "$Arguments" -wait -workingdirectory $WorkingDirectory | out-null
    Else {
      write-host "Running Command: " "$Command"
      Start-Process -FilePath "$Command" -wait -workingdirectory $WorkingDirectory | out-null

The final function takes a process name from the config xml file and kills it.

function KillStep ($Step)
    $ProcessName= ($Step.ProcessName.Value).split(".")[0]
    if ($ProcessName -ne "") {

    write-host "Killing: " "$ProcessName"
    Stop-Process -force -processname "$ProcessName" -ea SilentlyContinue

The main part of this script loops through the xml file and call the correct function. The xml file can contain any number of the three types of functions above, and they are run in sequential order. This gives me the ability to create a “task sequence” in an xml file that will be run with a PowerShell script in an SCCM advertised program.

#  Main
$WorkingDirectory = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
[ xml ]$s = Get-Content $WorkingDirectory\Install.xml

foreach ($Step in $s.Install.Steps.Step)
switch ($Step.StepType.Value)
    "UninstallOlderThan" {UninstallStep ($Step)}
    "CommandToRun" {  CommandToRunStep ($Step)}
    "KillProcess" { KillStep ($Step) }

And an example of the XML file would be:

	<StepType Value="UninstallOlderThan" />
	<CurrentDisplayName value="Apple Application Support" />
    	<CurrentVersion value="1.3.3" />
	<StepType Value="CommandToRun" />
	<Command Value="msiexec" />
	<Arguments Value="/i AppleApplicationSupport.msi /quiet /norestart" />
	<StepType Value="CommandToRun" />
	<Command Value="iTunesSetup.exe" />
	<Arguments Value="/quiet DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=0" />
	<StepType Value="KillProcess" />
	<ProcessName Value="Process.exe" />

SCCM afterbackup.bat

Our current SCCM backup is targeted to DFS share pointed to our backup server. We dump files to this share and the local files are backed up to tape (really to disk then replicated to tape.) I never sat down and figured out how to get multiple backups rotating in SCCM until I saw this post. It reminded me that I needed to setup an afterbackup.bat script. If you add a script named afterbackup.bat to c:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\ (or where ever you installed it), it will be executed after the backup is finished. I added the following code to afterbackup.bat

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set target=\\Network\DFS\BACKUP\SCCM\%date:~0,3%

If not exist %target% goto datamove 
RD %target% /s /q 
move "\\Network\DFS\Backup\SCCM\Current" "%target%"

All this does is move the backup folder to a folder named the day of the week. If the destination already exists, then it is deleted first. Resulting in 7 days of backup.

To test, I started the SMS_STIE_BACKUP service, and in the SCCM logs, I see :
SMS Site Backup task is starting.

SMS Site Backup is starting to copy the files from the snapshot.

SMS Site Backup successfully initiated command file “afterbackup.bat”.

Now I see a folder named “Tues” that contains last night’s backup.

Scratch that off the todo list. Finally.

Finding diffs between clean and modified versions of WordPress

We have an issue where our developers try to update the core WordPress files. I wanted to find a way to keep them honest. here is my script:

# get WordPress
cd ~/src/
rm -f ~/src/latest.tar.gz
rm -rf ~/src/wordpress/
wget -q
tar -xzf latest.tar.gz
CURRENTVERSION=$(grep "wp_version =" ~/src/wordpress/wp-includes/version.php | cut -f 3 -d " " | sed "s/;//" | sed "s/'//g")
# find WordPress installs and compare
for installpath in $(find $SEARCHPATH -name wp-config.php)
		BASEDIR=$(dirname $installpath)
		INSTALLEDVERSION=$(grep "wp_version =" $BASEDIR/wp-includes/version.php | cut -f 3 -d " " | sed "s/;//" | sed "s/'//g")
		echo "====Comparing $BASEDIR to Source====" 
		diff -rq --exclude="wp-content" ~/src/wordpress  $BASEDIR #| grep differ

Pseudo workflow approval with out SharePoint Workflows.

I wanted to have a form that a person would submit (for an example a request of some type) and then it would be approved by the appropriate people. I find the built in workflow functionality too limiting and too difficult for users, so this is what I came up with:

I would have one list that contained fields for both the user to enter data and for each approver to approve or disapprove. In addition, there would be a “Final Approval” field that cold only be set once everyone approved or disapproved and an “I agree” to terms checkbox.

First up, I hid all the fileds on the NewForm.aspx that were related to the approval process. Just the data that was to be collected was shown. I did this with jquery and a CEWP:

<script type="text/javascript">
$('tr:has(select[title="User 1"])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
$('tr:has(select[title="User 2"])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
$('tr:has(select[title="User 3"])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
$('tr:has(select[title="User 4"])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
$('tr:has(select[title="User 5"])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
$('tr:has(select[title="Final Status"])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
$('nobr:contains("User 1 Comments")').closest('tr').hide();
$('nobr:contains("User 2 Comments")').closest('tr').hide();
$('nobr:contains("User 3 Comments")').closest('tr').hide();
$('nobr:contains("User 4 Comments")').closest('tr').hide();
$('nobr:contains("User 5 Comments")').closest('tr').hide();

Once this is submitted by the user, and email is sent by a SharePoint workflow (I still don’t like them) telling the approvers to look at the request and approve it (link to the edit page in the email)

Then on the edit page, I used the jquery below to hide the “I agree” so the user could not go back and change it. Also I hid the final approval until all drop downs (Approvals) have changed from “Pending” to Approved or Declined. Obviously there would be security issues, but this is a small use case and we weren’t worried about malicious users (famous last words) – people were on their honor.

<script type="text/javascript">
$('tr:has(select[title=IAgree])').not('tr:has(tr)').append('<tr><td nowrap="true" valign="top" width="190px" class="ms-formlabel"><H3 class="ms-standardheader">I Agree</H3></TD><td valign="top" class="ms-formbody" width="400px">'+$('select[title=IAgree] :selected').text()+'</td></tr>');

$('select :selected').each(function(){
if($(this).text() == "Pending") {
$('tr:has(select[title=Final Status])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();


Powershell script to find and run advertisements that are set to run when NoUserLoggedOn

I have been thinking about how to launch a SCCM package/program before logon. If the user logs on before SCCM executes (like right after a reboot), the NoUserLoggedOn requirement will not be met. GPO software deployment handles this by not allowing the user to log in until the software is installed.

What happens if you combine both software deployment via GPO and SCCM?

So my theory is that I could execute a script wrapped in a MSI and deployed via GPO software deployment. This script would then search for advertisements that are set to run “when no one is logged in” and execute them. Below is that script, not sure if the rest of my theory will work, but this is the first piece.

$AdvNoLogOn = (gwmi -Namespace ROOT\CCM\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig -Class CCM_SoftwareDistribution | where {$_.ADV_MandatoryAssignments -eq $true} | where {$_.PRG_PRF_UserLogonRequirement -eq "NoUserLoggedOn"})
$SMSCli = [wmiclass] "\root\ccm:SMS_Client"
foreach ($Adv in $AdvNoLogOn)
$PKGID= $Adv.PKG_PackageID
write-host $PKGID
$SCHEDMESS=(gwmi -Namespace ROOT\CCM\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig -Class CCM_Scheduler_ScheduledMessage | where {$_.ActiveMessage -like "*$PKGID*"})
write-host $SCHEDMESS.ScheduledMessageID

CentOS: HowTo install ruby, rubygems and passenger for a redmine install

I like to put my complied software in /opt vs /usr/local. Make sure rpm version is not installed.

install ruby:

./configure --prefix=/opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174
sudo make &amp;&amp; sudo make install

user alternatvies to create sym links:

/usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/ruby ruby /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/ruby 1 \
--slave /usr/bin/rdoc rdoc /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/rdoc \
--slave /usr/bin/ri ri /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/ri \
--slave /usr/bin/irb irb /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/irb \
--slave /usr/bin/erb erb /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/erb \
--slave /usr/bin/testrb testrb /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/testrb \
--slave /usr/bin/gem gem /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/gem \
--slave /usr/bin/rake rake /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/rake

make sure current ruby is set to 1.8.7: /usr/sbin/alternatives –config ruby

install rubygems:

sudo ruby setup.rb

install gems (No docs):

gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri rails
gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri passenger
gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri mysql
gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri rack -v=1.0.1

Passenger said I needed to install curl-dev  (yum install curl-devel)

install passenger apache module:


modify your httpd conf file

   LoadModule passenger_module /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.0/ext/apache2/
   PassengerRoot /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.0
   PassengerRuby /opt/ruby-1.8.7-p174/bin/ruby

Install redmine according to Docs

My current WordPress Update Script

Below is my current WordPress update script. First this script downloads the most recent version and determines which version it is:

cd ~/src/
rm -f ~/src/latest.tar.gz
rm -rf ~/src/wordpress/
wget -q
tar -xzf latest.tar.gz
CURRENTVERSION=$(grep "wp_version =" wordpress/wp-includes/version.php | cut -f 3 -d " " | sed "s/;//" | sed "s/'//g")
echo "Latest Version: $CURRENTVERSION"

Next it looks for all wp-config.php files in all the websites to identify which sites have WordPress installed. Then and finds the version from the versions.php script. If the version is not equal to the most recent downloaded version (from the code above), it copies the updated source to the website:

for installpath in $(find /webdir -name wp-config.php)
	BASEDIR=$(dirname $installpath)
	INSTALLEDVERSION=$(grep "wp_version =" $BASEDIR/wp-includes/version.php | cut -f 3 -d " " | sed "s/;//" | sed "s/'//g")
		cp -R  ~/src/wordpress/* $BASEDIR/
		echo $BASEDIR "is already" $CURRENTVERSION

Using ajax to query XML in SharePoint Doc Lib, for use in a form’s input autocomplete

Long title, but I wanted to get across what I was trying to do. If I had and XML file in a document library (you could mail enable the doc lib, and send XML from a query in SQL server using the “FOR XML” statement!), could I use jquery to add Autocomplete values to an input field in a newform.aspx? Ended up being not that difficult.

  1. Once the ajax call sucessfully retrievs the xml file, the parseXml routine is called.
  2. Seems there is an issue that IE will not think the file is XML, but rather as txt, so there some quick code to load the file as XML
  3. Then I just look in the file and grab the values I want, and append them to an array
  4. Then just set the array to be used as the autocomplete source
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
	type: "GET",
	url: "http://URL/To/xmlfile.xml",
	dataType: ($.browser.msie) ? "text" : "xml",
	success: parseXml
function parseXml(data)
    var xml;
     if (typeof data == "string") {
       xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
       xml.async = false;
     } else {
       xml = data;
 	var results = []; 
		var ClientName = $.trim($(this).find('Name').text());
		var ClientCode = $.trim($(this).find('ZipCode').text());
		results[results.length] = ClientName + "(" + ClientCode + ")"

	source: results,
	minLength: 3